Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Pak Myong Ho is paying an Official Visit to Mongolia on March 10-13, 2024.
During the Visit, Deputy Foreign Minister of Mongolia Amartuvshin Gombosuren and Vice Foreign Minister of the DPRK Pak Myong Ho held official talks on March 11, 2024. The official talks focused on the steady development of the traditionally friendly relations and cooperation between the two countries, as well as international and regional cooperation.
At the outset of the talks, Deputy Foreign Minister G. Amartuvshin expressed confidence that the Visit would significantly contribute to the resumption and intensification of the historical and traditionally friendly bilateral relations and cooperation after the pandemic.
Vice-Minister Pak Myong Ho, in turn, thanked for the warm hospitality extended from the Mongolian side and emphasized the importance the DPRK attaches to broadening and developing its relations with Mongolia, a neighbor in the Northeast Asian region.
The two sides acknowledged the steady development of bilateral relations in the past despite historical challenges and concurred that there is ample opportunity to further strengthen and develop traditionally friendly relations between Mongolia and DPRK through concrete cooperation.
The two parties commended last year’s successful celebration of the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries, as well as the 35th anniversary of the visit by DPRK’s President Kim Il Sung to Mongolia. They discussed plans to revive and intensify collaboration in education, culture, sports, agriculture, health, and humanity and increase reciprocal visits at all levels.
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2024.02.28 15:47
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