The Ministry of Culture of Mongolia is cooperating with many countries to develop the culture and art sector, deepen multilateral cooperation, and promote Mongolia's cultural heritage worldwide.
In this context, the focus is on the development of Mongolian museums, fostering cooperation with foreign museums, studying mutual experiences, and implementing joint projects. For example, the exhibition "Chinggis Khaan: How the Mongols Changed the World," currently being held in Nantes, France, is planned to be displayed in Mongolia and the United States this year.
More than 200,000 people have visited the Exhibition in Nantes so far. The Minister of Culture, Ch. Nomin, met with Dr. Johannes Beltz, Deputy Director of the Rietberg Museum, to discuss the continuation of this exhibition in Switzerland in 2025 and cooperation in the museum industry.
In this context, they discussed the possibility of jointly empowering museum guides, organizers, and artists, and implementing joint projects and programs between Mongolia and Switzerland. In addition to historical artifacts, the Ministry of Culture reported that they discussed joint exhibitions in the fields of art, Mongolian national clothing, and fashion, as well as long-term cooperation in the future.
The Exhibition "Chinggis Khaan: How the Mongols Changed the World" will continue until May 5, 2024.
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2024.02.28 15:47
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