Last year, Mongolia exported more than 60 million tons of coal, with more than 60 percent of this volume, or 36.5 million tons, exported through the Gashuunsukhait road crossing alone. This was announced by the head of the customs service of the checkpoint Gashuunsukhait L. Ganbayar during a meeting of the leadership of customs organizations.
According to him, 44 percent of the construction work on the reconstruction of the Gashuunsukhait automobile checkpoint has now been completed. The construction delay is primarily due to the Covid-19 pandemic, climatic conditions and natural disasters in the area.
The reconstruction of the checkpoint will be completed in 2024 and will allow it to operate at full capacity. It will have 10 lanes for the transportation of coal, three for passengers and six lanes for incoming coal, which will improve the working and living conditions of customs officers. The head of the customs service at the Gashuunsukhait checkpoint, L. Ganbayar, expressed confidence that coal exports will increase significantly in the future, thereby potentially having a positive impact on the Mongolian economy.
Last year, the Ganshuunsuhait automobile checkpoint exported 860 thousand tons of copper concentrate, and in 2024 it committed to export at least 40 thousand tons of coal and 960 thousand tons of copper concentrate.
4.2 billion MNT of Education loan fund was repaid
2024.02.28 15:47
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