The border crossing Zam y n-Uud will continue to operate 24 hours a day this year. The Minister of Mongolia , Chairman of the National Committee for the Restoration of Border Crossings B. Tulga announced this at a meeting of the leadership of customsorganizations. Noting the test mode of operation of the Zamyn -Uud border crossing 24 hours a day introduced last year , Minister B. Tulga said: “As part of this work , the National Committee for the Restoration of Border Crossings will pay special attention to improving the working and living conditions of employees customs . For this purpose, this year 's budget provides funds for the purchase of 35 apartments in the area where the border checkpoint is located . The National Committee is also working to begin work on the construction and modernization of 3-4 new checkpoints with funding from the Asian Development Bank .
The head of the customs service at the Zamyn -Uud checkpoint, O. Tseenregzen , said that during the test regime carried out at the Zamyn-Uud border crossing, the decision was implemented to introduce round-the-clock operation of the cargo terminal. “24-hour test work was carried out in difficult weather conditions, despite low traffic activity . In the future, the Zamyn-Uud customs service urgently needs to install X-ray equipment to check passengers and large export vehicles ,” he added .
According to O. Tseenregzen, last year the customs service of Zamyn-Uud worked with a heavy load for the first time, fulfilling the tax revenue plan in the amount of 1 trillion 31 billion tugriks or more than 95 percent. Over the past three years , the customs service has concentrated an average of 450-500 billion turiks in tax revenues in the state budget.
4.2 billion MNT of Education loan fund was repaid
2024.02.28 15:47
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