The State Great Khural of Mongolia has extended condolences on the accident that occurred in the territory of the 26th khoroo of the Bayanzurkh district, Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia.
On the night between 23 and 24 January 2024, Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, was struck by a devastating accident in which a truck carrying liquefied natural gas crashed and exploded in the 26th khoroo of the Bayanzurkh district. The traffic accident followed by a series of powerful explosions resulted in the loss of life and injuries among both citizens and firefighters. This catastrophe also caused significant losses to local businesses.
Relevant officials are working with urgency to assess the situation, take necessary measures, and provide all support and services to ensure the safety of the people of Mongolia.
The State Great Khural of Mongolia expresses its deepest condolences to the families, children, relatives, and colleagues of Sergeant Barsuren Davaajav, Senior Sergeant Amgalanbayar Shirnen, and Sergeant Tuvshintur Erdendavaa, the courageous firefighters of the 63rd Fire Fighting and Rescue Unit of the National Fire Service of Mongolia, who lost their lives in the line of duty while valiantly battling an unforeseen and unexpected disaster, for ensuring the safety of the people.
4.2 billion MNT of Education loan fund was repaid
2024.02.28 15:47
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