The 4th Winter Youth Olympics opened in Gangwon, Korea, and the medal winners are beginning to be announce. In these Olympics, 12 athletes from our country are competing in three sports, setting a record. In the previous three Games, a maximum of six athletes competed against youngsters from five continents. This time, 12 athletes competed, indicating the improving success and skills of our youth.
For the first time from Mongolia, Kh. Khaliun, who earned the right to participate in the Youth Winter Olympics in alpine skiing, made history by showcasing her speed in this category. Among the 78 athletes who competed in the giant slalom, 24 made mistakes and failed to achieve success. Our athlete Kh. Khaliun, participating in alpine skiing for the first time, completed both races without any losses and secured the 42nd place with a time of 2:36.23 minutes. Athletes from Italy, Switzerland, and Sweden stood on the podium in this category.
Biathletes kicked off our athletes' competition. The initial day of the race posed challenges for our sportsmen who arrived in Korea following their training in Germany. Adverse weather conditions, including snowfall and storms at the competition camp, will have a detrimental impact on all athletes. Athletes from France, Norway, the Czech Republic, Italy, Germany, Slovenia, and Ukraine, who are world leaders in biathlon, took turns standing on the podium.
In the men's individual 12.5 km race, T. Amarsanaa, a Master of Sports, secured 92nd place. B. Temuujin took 80th place, while another Master of Sports, B. Sukhbat, claimed the 76th spot. In the 7.5 km sprint, B. Sukhbat secured 75th place, T. Amarsanaa claimed 78th place, and B. Temuujin finished in 88th place.
In the women's 10 km race, H. Erdentungalag finished 86th, D. Nyamsuren secured 90th place, and O. Oyutsolmon claimed the 94th spot. Out of 99 athletes competing in the sprint, 11th-grade student-athlete D. Nyamsuren of Secondary School of Bat-Ulzii soum, Uvurkhangai aimag took 77th place with a time of 28:11.1 minutes. H. Erdenetungalag, a Master of Sports from Khentii aimag, ranked 78th with 28:16.4 minutes, and O. Oyutsolmon, a native of Orkhon aimag, ranked 90th with 34:58.8 minutes.
4.2 billion MNT of Education loan fund was repaid
2024.02.28 15:47
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