This Trade fair, organized jointly by herders' cooperatives and national producers, is characterized by the direct flow of raw materials and products from herdsmen to the factory without intermediaries and the final products then reach consumers.
The organizers said that the products set for export are being presented. For example, in the case of cup bags, the information of the herders who prepared and supplied the leather is included in the source team of the manufacturer who processed the product according to the standard, along with a quality certificate and a QR code.
Producers S.Gansukh and Sh.Otgonsuren say that the product has already been released abroad. At the "Responsible Nomad" Lunar New Year Trade Fair, 12 provincial and local cooperatives have joined together to display to consumers in the capital the national eco-products that are environmentally friendly and beneficial to herders.
"Green Gold-Middle Cooperative" participating in the Trade Fair, displayed its products exported to Great Britain, Italy, and Nepal, such as yak wool and baby camel wool products. Cooperatives participating in the Trade Fair stated that they are planning to jointly open stores in Shanghai and Paris.
Members of the State Great Khural D.Togtohsuren and B.Saranchimeg participated in the opening of the "Responsible Nomad" Lunar New Year Trade Fair.
4.2 billion MNT of Education loan fund was repaid
2024.02.28 15:47
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