The public transportation of Ulaanbaatar will be upgraded with 600 new buses by February of 2024. As part of the renewal of the capital city’s public transport fleet, the second round of 50 buses, manufactured by China's "Yutong Bus" company has been imported recently. Before it, 35 buses were imported and put into service from January 2, 2024.
The Governor of the Capital City and the Mayor of Ulaanbaatar Nyambaatar Khishgee noted that an agreement was signed to purchase 600 new buses manufactured in 2023 for MNT 165.5 billion and the rest of the buses will be imported by February of this year.
The warranty period of the buses is 24 months and spare parts are reliably provided by the manufacturer for 10 years. Each of these buses, worth MNT 275.8 million has a capacity of 80 people with 27 seats, 8 cameras, (3 outside and 5 inside), USB charging ports next to the seats, frost-free windows, and fully meet the needs of people with disabilities.
There are more than 980 buses in public transport service in Ulaanbaatar, and about 60 percent of them reached the end of service life.
4.2 billion MNT of Education loan fund was repaid
2024.02.28 15:47
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