The 54th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) started on January 15, 2024, in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland and Prime Minister of Mongolia Oyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrai participated in the opening ceremony of the Forum.
Heads of State from more than 30 countries, including Argentina, Belgium, Bulgaria, Israel, Iraq, Ireland, Jordan, Canada, Kenya, Colombia, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Serbia, Ukraine, Hungary, France, Sweden, Sri Lanka, Ecuador and Vice Presidents, Prime ministers, Government Members and representatives of international organizations have gathered to discuss pressing issues in the world and regions and determine the short-term and long-term outlook of the global economy. The 54th annual meeting is taking place under the theme “Rebuilding Trust”.
During his participation in the Forum, the Prime Minister of Mongolia will pay a courtesy call on the Presidents of the Swiss Confederation, the Republic of Armenia, and the Republic of Singapore respectively, and will meet the Prime Ministers of the Republic of Korea and Thailand to discuss bilateral relations and economic cooperation between the countries.
The Premier will also meet with heads of multinational corporations to exchange views on cooperation in trade and investment.
On the sidelines of taking part in the World Economic Forum, Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene will have more than 30 meetings in the fields of renewable energy, agriculture, industry, urban planning, digital development, information technology, tourism, and international marketing cooperation.
Davos-2024 event will continue until 19 January, 2024.
4.2 billion MNT of Education loan fund was repaid
2024.02.28 15:47
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