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Minister of Culture Ch. Nomin met with the CEO of Group

Minister of Culture Ch. Nomin met with the CEO of Group

As part of the 54th World Economic Forum in Davos, the Minister of Culture of Mongolia Ch. Nomin met with the CEO of Group, Jane Sun, to discuss opportunities for cooperation in the field of tourism.

At the meeting, Minister of Culture Ch. Nomin presented the tourism policy of the Government of Mongolia and the policy for the development of tourism services and products. In connection with the announcement by the Government of Mongolia of 2023-2025 as “Visit Mongolia Years”, the national brand “GoMongolia” was officially introduced this year. In this context, the parties agreed to cooperate in promoting tourism products through content, which is the business model of the platform.

The platform provides customers with more than 2 million individual flight itineraries and offers more than 1.4 million hotels in more than 200 countries and regions around the world.

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